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Published articles

Zhao, J.; Riediker, M., Detecting the oxidative reactivity of nanoparticles: a new protocol for reducing artifacts. J Nanopart Res 2014, 16, (7), 1-13.

Oppliger, A., Moreillon, P., Charrière, N., Giddey, M., Morisset, D., and Sakwinska, O. Antimicrobial resistance of Staphylococcus aureau acquired by pig farmers from pigs. Applied Environmental Microbiology 78 (22): 8010-8014, 2012. doi: 10.1128/AEM.01902-12

Sauvain J.-J., Rossi M.J. and Riediker M. (2013): Comparison of Three Acellular Tests for Assessing the Oxidation Potential of Nanomaterials, Aerosol Science and Technology, 47:2, 218-227  

Jahangiri M., Air Monitoring of Aromatic Hydrocarbons During Automobile Spray Painting for Developing Change Schedule of Respirator Cartridges. Submitted to International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) - under review.

Arial, Marc ; Wild, Pascal; Effort, Reward and self reported mental health: A simulation study of negative affectivity. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2011, 11:121, Published: 24 August 2011 

Jahangiri M., Preparation of new adsorbents from Activated Carbon and Carbon Nanofiber (AC /CNF) for manufacturing organic-vapour respirator cartridge. (Accepted for Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering - in press).
Tsai D.-H., Lin J.-S. and Chan C.-C., Office Workers’ Sick Building Syndrome and Indoor Carbon Dioxide Concentrations, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 9: 345–351. ISSN: 1545-9624 print / 1545-9632 online.

Studer R.K., Danuser B., Hildebrandt H., Arial M., and Gomez P. Hyperventilation Complaints in Music Performance Anxiety among Classical Music Students. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. (Epub ahead of print DOI:
http://dx.doi.org/j.jpsychores.2010.11.004), 2011.

Jahangiri M., Jamaleddin Shahtaheri S., Javad Adl J., Clark K., Jean-Jacques Sauvain J-J., and Riediker M. Emission of carbon nanofiber (CNF) from CNF containing composite adsorbents. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health.

Arial M., Wild P., Benoit D., Chouaniere D., and Danuser B. Multi-Level Modeling of Aspects Associated With Poor Mental Health in a Sample of Prehospital Emergency Professionals. American Journal of Industrial Medicine (accepted 30 June 2011 - published online).

Hunt G., and Riediker M. Building expert consensus on problems of uncertainty and complexity in nanomaterial safety. Nanotechnology Perceptions Vol. 7 (2011) 82-98

Danuser B. Work and Health: Remodelling perspectives of working life research, as proposed by Järvholm et al. (2009). Wirtschaftspsychologie IV. 2011 - 13 (4): 89-93, Jahrgang - ISSN 1615-7729

Daly B. J., Schmid K., and Riediker M. Contribution of fine particulate matter sources to indoor exposure in bars, restaurants, and cafés. Indoor Air 20(3): 204-212, 2010
Berthet A., De Batz A., Tardif R., Charest-Tardif G., Truchon G., Vernez D., and Droz P. O. Impact of biological and environmental variabilities on biological monitoring: an approach using toxicokinetic models. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 7(3): 177-184, 2010  



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